Annie's Playcare

Your Childs Second Home

"Where Every Shining Star
Is Appreciated!"

Who we are image
Annie's Playcare has been in business for over 30 years.  When I was growing up I realized that childhood friends and bonding was one of lifes greatest treasures.  The great thing about Playcare is the wonderful love and friendships that each child acquires here.  We strive to make every learning aspect in their young lives a foundation for their growth and development and get them off to a great start in their future endeavors.  We do that by showing them sharing,  presenting, and a lot of hands on experiences that they will be able to use in their everyday lives.  We make learning fun!  We offer a preschool program that helps prepare them for Kindergarten, its a lot of hands on projects which includes coloring, painting, cutting and pasting.  We have a daily calendar routine as well as a book of the day, weather, circle time with songs and finger plays.  We learn our letters, numbers, shapes and colors.  Everything they will need to bring with them when they walk through those front doors for Kindergarten.
07:00 AM - 07:45 AM
Arrival Time
Location: Playroom

We will greet your child every morning in the foyer. We find out all about their evening at home, find out how they are doing that morning. Then we bring them in to the bathroom and wash their hands. After hand washing they get to go to the playroom where they can have free time playing in one of the many stations provided to them. This is when we learn how to share and interact with other children. Its a great time to use our motor skills and cognitive measures. We also provide games, puzzles and coloring activities during this time as well.

07:45 AM - 08:15 AM
Wash Hands/Breakfast (yum)
Location: Kitchen

Before breakfast we always have the children line up and wash their hands before going to the kitchen. Little ones we wash their hands for them. Here they always get a healthy nutritious breakfast. We participate in the CACFP program which follows the USDA Food Guidelines. For breakfast the children are always offered: A bread component or eggs, fruit and milk to drink. A typical breakfast could be pancakes, strawberries and milk.

08:15 AM - 09:00 AM
Wash hands/Hands on Activities
Location: Playroom

After breakfast they will wash their hands again, then go into the playroom, this is when we will work with puzzles, Magnatiles, and counting math manipulatives.

09:00 AM - 09:15 AM
Clean up time
Location: Playroom

During this time your child will learn the importance of clean up and organization. We have taken little bins and added pictures to each individual bin. For example: Matchbox cars go in the bin with the pictures of matchbox cars on it. Barbies in the barbie bin and so on. This helps the children with learning site recognition and organization.

09:15 AM - 09:45 AM
Location: Circle Time Rug/Kitchen

During this time the children sit in a circle on our circle time rug. They have to sit on a letter or a number depending on what Annie/Barry picks for that day. (This helps them determine the differences between letters and numbers), We then proceed to read them the book of the day. (Sometimes we have to read it a couple times for them if they really like it), after the book they will wash their hands and then we proceed to the kitchen for our Healthy Nutritional Snack. USDA Guidelines require 2 components Whether its from the protein, bread, vegetable, fruit or milk lists. Typical snack would be baby carrots, ranch dressing and milk. After snack the children then go and wash their hands.

09:45 AM - 11:00 AM
Preschool/Free Play
Location: Kitchen/Playroom

During this time we take the children younger than 2 years old into the playroom with Barry to do creative play. He will grab the large cardboard blocks for building with them, or a jungle gym for them to climb on, balance beams and so on for them to work on their larger motor skills. Meanwhile in the kitchen the older toddlers come back from washing their hands and Annie works with them on the preschool program. We first work on the calendar and weather, then we will discuss the book of the day. Reread it if necessary and work on a craft that goes along with the book. Then that's when we concentrate on the letter, color, shape and number of the week. For example: Monday we will do the letter, Tuesday the number, Wednesday the color, Thursday the shape and Friday is always review from previous weeks. We also do cooking, science and math projects during this time. Our preschool program is an additional $14.00 per month due with the first tuition payment for that month.

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Outdoor time (YAY!!)
Location: Outside Playarea

Yay we just love outdoor time. Going outside on a daily basis is so good for their growth and development. We find going outside on a daily basis helps with colds and keeping children healthy. Its also a great way to work on their larger motor skills. We have relays, we kick balls, throw frisbees, and they also have the playset area out there that has little houses, ride on toys and climbers. We follow the OCFS guidelines for healthy weather conditions, so if the weather isn't cooperating then we will stay inside and do puzzles and games that we save specifically for those occasions.

11:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Lunch/wash up for quiet time
Location: Kitchen/bathroom

After playing outside the children come into the house remove their shoes and coats and line up at the bathroom for clean hands. Then they will go into the kitchen and while we are preparing our lunch the children work on ditto sheets that go along with our preschool curriculum. We find that even the little ones that are too young for the preschool curriculum love to color and learn how to use crayons. Then we have lunch: USDA Guidelines require us to offer a Protein, grain, vegetable, fruit and milk. Typical Lunch is Pasta with meat sauce, green beans, apple slices and milk

12:30 PM - 03:00 PM
Wash Hands/Quiet Time
Location: Bathroom/Sleep Area

After lunch each child is excused from the tables one at a time. They then go potty and wash their hands. Infants are brought into the baby sleeping area where they sleep in cribs and we use a baby monitor in that room, leave the door open and they are checked on every 15 minutes. Toddlers sleep in the Playroom on cots with a sheet, pillow and blanket. They are 100% supervised by either Annie or Barry. Toddlers that do not nap are able to go into the kitchen and work on projects, games, puzzles and art work.

03:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Wash Hands/Pm Snack
Location: Bathroom/Kitchen

After waking up from naps the toddlers make up their beds for storage, infants are diaper changed. The children all wash their hands in the bathroom one at a time. Then we go into the kitchen for Pm Snack. USDA guidelines require 2 of the components. A protein, bread, vegetable, fruit or milk. A typical snack would be yogurt and milk or cheese, crackers and water.

03:30 PM - 05:00 PM
Free Time
Location: Playroom

Children wash their hands from snack. Then we have free time at one of the stations. Around 4:30 we ask the children to start cleaning up. We call it 10 second tidy time. They run around for 10 seconds to clean up. Then they get their shoes and coats on and wait for parents to arrive.



Our goal at Annie’s Playcare is to prepare children for the next stage of their lives through the development of motor abilities, thinking skills and healthy interactions with their peers. Young children who go to Annie’s Playcare get the tools and support they need for their healthy development. All activities are carefully designed to adequately nurture the emotional, intellectual and physical growth of our kids. Through stimulating situations and hands-on learning opportunities, children are free to develop into bright young minds.



Over time, we’ve designed and adapted programs to meet the high standards of today’s world of education. By providing a supportive environment, we make sure each child receives exactly what they need.We believe that children thrive in an environment which values their own uniqueness, while providing support and opportunities to grow emotionally, socially and creatively. By building on each child’s strengths, interests and curiosities, we guide each child to explore the world around them as well as develop new abilities and form close relationships.



We are a smoke free, ECO Healthy facility.  We offer a clean, safe environment. We are NYS Licensed which means we have regulations and guidelines that we need to follow in order to maintain that license and we are Violation Free!  All household members are back ground checked and fingerprinted. We are CPR/First Aide Certified. Most importantly we can offer you a Worry Free Workday!


Dates highlighted in yellow are paid holiday and personal days.

Annie Benedict


My name is Annie Benedict. I started Annie's Playcare January of 1991. I started out watching neighbors children, and by word of mouth my daycare has become what it is today. My goal is to provide for the needs of all children, regardless of developmental ability or need, and to get children off to a good start when it comes to their education and future endeavors. I have raised 2 beautiful children. My daughter was born in 1990 and my son in 1994. Both have become very successful adults and have made their mom and dad very proud.

Barry Benedict


Barry has worked for Annie's Playcare since February of 2012. Barry previously worked as a dock worker for 18 years. His place of employment was consolidating his department in an already established department and were finding him things to do. At the same time Annie's Playcares previous assistant was going to open her own daycare. Barry decided to leave his place of employment after 18 years and come work with Annie's Playcare. It was the best decision we ever made. All the children and families love him. Barry has been a perfect asset to Annie's Playcare. Barry brings to Playcare a lot of knowledge and loves to cook with the children, in fact He does all the cooking for Playcare. Barry has a real knack with children. No matter where we go children seem to flock around him.


Part Time assistant

Bethany has her degrees in early childhood education. She has a sweet loving disposition that the children love and enjoy. Bethany helps with the planning and creating of the preschool as well as works in the toddler and infant areas. She has been with Playcare since 2021. Bethany currently works Monday, Wednesday and Fridays 7:30-12:30. When Bethany comes through the door to start her shift, she brightens up the facility.

Darlene Ardila

Part Time Assistant

Darlene Ardila holds the position of Assistant, where she excels in administrative support, task organization, and contributing to the team's success. Her attention to detail and proactive approach makes her a valuable asset to the team. She has her undergrad in Web and Mobile Computing and is currently pursuing her master's in professional studies. Darlene works every day of the week until 12:30. She has been named the baby hogger because of her eagerness to hold them and care for them. She loves all the children and has been working since the end of August.

RIP Ryely Rose Benedict

Clean Up Crew

RIP 9/8/22. She lived to be 18 years and will always be remembered as we all miss her terribly!! Ryely was in daycare since she was born in 2004. Ryely was a black lab/border collie mix. She went for some very extensive puppy training and it had paid off, we couldn't ask for a better dog. Ryely had grown up in the daycare. She was always there to welcome you in the morning. The children can crawl all over Ryely and pull her tail and ears and she handled it like a champ. She was very proud of her job position here at Playcare. She waited very patiently in the playroom for the children to finish eating. After meals Ryely would go in and performed her clean up duty on the floor. Those children left behind many treats for Ryely. Must be why she loved the children so much. She was always up to date on her vaccines and also had her dog license.

Holland “Holly” Brooke

Chaos Coordinator

Holly was born 7/29/2022. She has made a great asset to Playcare. The children chase her all around the yard and get their work outs together. She loves the special treats the children leave behind after each meal. Holly is a black lab. She is up to date on all her vaccines and is also licensed with the town. As she grows she will become the children’s best friend. Welcome to Playcare Holly.

Tuition image

Full time Infant Tuition = $275.00
Full Time toddler 2+ Tuition = $257.50 per week.

Part Time = $55.00 per day
Preschool Program = $25.00 per month, covers all craft supplies.

****Tuition payments are due on Friday Mornings prior to the week of care.

We offer a payment program where they offer recurring payments from your chosen bank account. This takes the worry out of remembering your tuition payment for the week and eliminates check expenses.

All Payments are tax deductible.

Annies Playcare is taking new enrollments for a child age 2 - 5 years old full time  

If you are looking for anything other than our current opening then we can add you to our waiting list by sending us your contact information.

If you would be interested in enrolling for our future opening then please leave us your contact information and we will get back to you within 1 business day.  Thank you.  If you see an available enrollment then that means it is still available, I remove the enrollments when the position is filled.



  1. Parent/Guardian understands that tuition for daycare services is due on the Friday by noon prior to the week needed for care.  Parent/Guardian has the option of paying online via Kidkare (Which offers auto recurring payments), check or cash. If Tuition is not paid by noon on the Friday prior to the week needed for care, then there will be a $35.00 fee per day added to parent/guardians account until the tuition is paid.  If you pay via recurring payments through KidKare and your account has insufficient funds available, then a $35.00 fee will be added to the parent/guardian account for the following week.  If the bank account for Annie’s Playcare endeavors a bounced check due to the fact money was not available from your account then the fees imposed on Annie’s Playcare account will also be due by parent/guardian and added to their next invoice due.
  1. Parent/Guardian agree that when their child(ren) is to leave this daycare facility permanently, they will give the daycare provider two (2) weeks notice or an equivalent amount of two (2) weeks pay.  The first weeks pay will be due the day the notice is given and then payment will be due on the first day of service for the second week.  The notice will be in writing, in duplicate form and both parties will sign each copy so both parties will have a copy.  This will allow the daycare provider time to fill your child(ren)’s spot.  If daycare provider asks a child to be removed from daycare, then the same process will be followed.  This will allow the Parent/Guardian ample time to find suitable daycare.
  1. Parent/Guardian agree to have immunizations updated and to have the physicians’ report filled out on each child by the first day of service.  (See form DSS 4433).  Daycare services cannot be provided for the child without this form completed.  This form is to be given to the provider and updated annually.  The provider will notify the parent a month in advance of when the next physicians report is due.  When you know your child will be receiving shots at their next appointment please ask for a new form so that it may be updated.  This is very important since the provider MUST have copies on file of ALL updated shots, when it is requested by the NYS Office of Children and Family Services.
  1. Parent/Guardian will supply the daycare provider with a Notarized permission slip (Emergency Medical Form AMB0008), to be able to contact the child’s physician in case of an emergency.  Daycare services cannot be provided for a child unless this form is filled out completely by the First Day of child’s care.  Daycare provider requires one permission slip per child. (ie, Daycare provider needs 2 slips for 2 children).
  1. We encourage open communication whether it is in person or via notes.  This is very important and is in the best interest of your child(ren). Anything Business related must be addressed through Annie, Please do not contact the staff (employees), if your are having a daycare related issue.
  2. At any time the daycare facility is out of electricity, power or water due to weather conditions or other reasons beyond daycare control, the daycare facility will shut down for that day or period of time needed.  Tuition is still expected for that day or period of time needed.  If for any reason the daycare is ordered to close or shut down due to a pandemic, providers feel there is too many illnesses in the program, or any conditions that are unsafe for any reason then payment is still expected until the facility is able to reopen.  If there is a state/county/country shut down for any reason not included in above mentioned and daycare is required to close then tuition is still owed until daycare is able to reopen.  If children are at the daycare facility when a problem arises, a phone call will be made to you and then the children must be picked up within 45 minutes of the phone call.
  3. If for any reason the daycare feels a  child is violent, destructive or shows inappropriate behavior in any way, then the daycare has the right to ask for an immediate dismissal.  A 2 week notice will not be given in order to maintain the safety and welfare of the other children already in care.
  4. Parent/Guardian understand that care will NOT be provided if their child(ren) has any of the following:  Pink Eye – The child may return to daycare when the oozing of the eyes have completely stopped and atleast 2 drops have been administered.  (the daycare provider will not administer the drops to the child’s eyes).  Vomiting/Diarrhea – A 48 hour period has passed and there is no sign of vomiting/diarrhea and child is back to a normal behavior.  Strep Throat – A period of time when the parent has been able to give the child at least 2 doses of antibiotic that the doctor has prescribed.  Lice 1 application must have been applied, a 48 hour period has passed and there are no longer any signs of eggs in the hair.  Fever – Whenever the temperature is above 100 degrees daycare services will not be provided.  Child must be 24 hours fever free without medication in order to return to daycare.  Any other illnesses that would require an excessive amount of attention and care and not allow normal daycare activities or if its something you would not want your child to get from daycare, don’t give it to the other children or daycare provider either.  If you have one child or parent/guardian home with an illness then please keep your child or the remainder of your children home so that the illness is not spread to the other children.  Green runny noses usually are reason for infection and should be monitored 2 days before returning to daycare to make sure no infection is spread to the other children.  The daycare provider needs immediate notification from the Parent/Guardian of diagnosed chicken pox, to allow time to contact other parents BEFORE they return to daycare.  The daycare will take the child back with the pox still visible.  (As long as the child is not feeling uncomfortable).  The provider has discussed this with her private physician and he has said that the children in care have already been exposed PRIOR to the knowledge of chicken pox.  If a child does have chicken pox, the Parent/Guardian will provide cotton balls and Clear not pink calamine lotion along with a note from the parent stating that this topical ointment can be applied (see form AMB00013).
  5. The daycare provider has not been MAT (Medication Administration Training) trained and is not approved to administer medications.
  6. When the provider calls a Parent/Guardian to pick up a child, due to illness, the child & siblings shall be picked up within 30 minutes by the parent/guardian or an Authorized Alternate.  If child & siblings are not picked up within 30 minutes then there will be a $10.00 fee for every 15 minutes per child there after.  While awaiting the child’s pickup, daycare provider will provide a quiet place to rest, separate from the other children, but in view and under their supervision.
  7. Parent/Guardian understands that they are the only authorized person(s) allowed to pick up their child unless daycare provider has been given prior notice and the pick up person is on the Authorized Alternate form AMB0009.  Parent/Guardian understand that the daycare providers will ask for identification until they get familiar with the person who is picking up your child(ren).
  8. In the event of a medical emergency, if Parent/Guardian cannot be contacted, the Parent/Guardian agrees that the daycare providers can obtain emergency medical care treatment, or surgery if necessary for their child, at a hospital, clinic or through a private physician.  Therefore, a copy of the HMO medical insurance card must be given to the provider when daycare is started.  (If there is ever an emergency the Parent/Guardian will be notified immediately.  However, if there is a time when emergency hospital care is needed a copy of the medical insurance card along with the emergency medical form AMB0008 and blue card DSS-792 will give permission to the hospital to administer care before the parent is able to arrive).
  9. If child(ren) is in diapers Parent/Guardian agree to provide the diapers.  The daycare providers require a large package of diapers and baby wipes for each child.  The diapers and baby wipes will be marked with their child’s name and kept at the provider’s house.  Parent/Guardian will be notified ahead of time when supplies are getting low.
  10. For infants only:  Parent/Guardian will supply breast milk/formula & jarred baby food.  Daycare providers require enough breast milk/formula and jarred baby food to last for at least one (1) week. If you prefer, breast milk can be transported everyday so its fresh, however we would like a couple of frozen bags to keep in freezer for days the baby requires an extra bottle or the little bag breaks and leaks.
  11. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers are required to sleep a minimum of one (1) hour or more as needed by the individual child or rest quietly for the duration of naptime. If your child cannot sleep they must be able to rest quietly without interrupting the other children.  If your child cannot rest quietly then unfortunately we will not be able to provide care for your child/ren.  We do not have the space to entertain a child who will not rest quietly. All school age children will be required to rest or play quietly for the duration of the naptime during non school days. There will be 100% supervision during naps.
  12. Daycare providers will provide 2 meals and 2 snacks per day for full time daycare.  The meals will be prepared in a safe and sanitary manner and served at appropriate intervals, thus making sure that children receive the type and quality of food necessary for growth and health.  Infants will be fed on demand with food/formula supplied by Parent/Guardian.  Meals will be served as follows:   Breakfast:  Will be served at 8:00 am sharp.  If your child(ren), is not at daycare by 8:00 am then the daycare provider will assume that breakfast has already been given. morning Snack:  Between 9:30-10:30 am.  Lunch:  Between 11:30 – 12:30 pm.  Afternoon Snack:  3:30 - 4:00 pm.
  13. Parent/Guardian understands that the daycare facility owns a dog (Black lab) Her name is Holly she was born on 7/29/2022, 2 cats ones name is Princess born 9/1/2013 she is grey and white striped.  The other cat is Scarlet born 10/2/2015, she is all grey.   We also have a variety of fish and frogs in an aquarium.  The dog and cats are current with all their shots and have their records on file.  The daycare provider will show you these records upon request.
  14. Discipline is an ongoing learning situation.  Strategies that will be used include; redirection, praising and rewarding acceptable behavior, talking about why it is important to do certain things, encouraging children to talk about their feelings, gently guiding children towards proper and respectable behavior.  Supervised time to think space will also be used when a child needs time to calm down and gain control.  Preschoolers and the providers will establish rules that are clear and consistent and appropriate to the ages and development of the child(ren) in care.  Providers will never spank or hit a child under any circumstances!
  15. Parent/Guardian will let daycare providers know right away and will also keep their emotions under control if they feel there is a problem with the way the daycare providers handled a situation.  Communication is the best policy, if parent/guardian and providers are communicating then that means all parties are happy which most of all makes the children happy.  Situations should not be discussed and voices are never to be raised in front of the children.  If the daycare providers have a problem with a Parent/Guardian and the problem cannot be resolved in an adult manner then dismissal of the child(ren) from the daycare will take place.  (This is necessary for everyone concerned – especially the child(ren)).
  16. Parent/Guardian agrees to provide proper clothing everyday and will also provide an extra set of clothing (to keep at daycare facility), in case of accidents.  The daycare providers ask that children do not come in dressy clothes or clothes that they do not want to get dirty.  We like to have fun at our daycare and go outside on a daily basis (weather permitting), food stains may appear on clothing and we do crafts with paints, glues and markers.  We will be using smocks for those messy projects but accidents still can happen.  Please make sure children are dressed appropriately for the weather conditions for when we do go outside.  As weather changes we can send back the clothes at the daycare facility to replace with the proper items for that season.  This change of clothing should be sent in on the first day of care and will remain at the daycare facility until new season arrives or dismissal.
  17. The following dates are considered the daycare providers holiday time off.  This holiday time is scheduled off early enough for you to make other arrangements for childcare during these dates. See Holiday Vacation Schedule for current years time off.  Highlighted holidays are paid days, (See contract AMB00014-AMB00015).  New Years Day.   Good Friday.  Monday after Easter.  Friday before Memorial Day.   Memorial Day.  Day before Fourth of July.  Fourth of July.   Day after Fourth of July.  Friday before Labor Day.    Labor Day.  Thanksgiving Day.  Day after Thanksgiving Day.   Day before Thanksgiving Day.   Christmas Eve.  Christmas Day.  New Years Eve.  If a holiday happens to fall on a weekend day, then the holiday will be recognized on either the Friday before or the Monday after the holiday, and will still be honored as a paid holiday.
  18. Annie’s Playcare will be closed, usually 2 weeks during the summer and the week after Christmas of every year.  Daycare Providers will let you know well in advance of these days needed off so you can make other arrangements for daycare.  There will be no charge to you these weeks, unless the Daycare Provider uses one of them as her 1 week paid vacation.  (See Holiday Vacation Schedule for actual dates needed off for the entire year).
  19. Daycare providers are entitled to 5 paid personal days, which will be included on the holiday Vacation Schedule  you receive every year for vacation time so you can plan ahead.  Daycare Providers are entitled to up to 5 bereavement days.
  20. Annie’s Playcare allows the Parent/Guardian to one (1) week/5 days off per year for vacation time without having to pay for that one (1) week/5 days.  Any other days or weeks needed off over the one (1) week per year will be paid as a normal full week.  A two (2) week notice must be submitted in writing or full pay is expected.  The week may be broken up into separate days, however they can not be used more than 2 consecutive weeks in a row.  For Example (you can not do 5 Fridays off in a row). Unused vacation left at the end of the year will not be banked to the following year. If you choose to take a vacation during a  week that has a paid holiday or personal day in it (as noted on our holiday vacation schedule), then you will still need to pay for the holiday or personal day that was scheduled for that week.  You will be able to carry over that 1 day to use at a later date as long as a 2 week notice is given and used during that year.  2 week notice must be received or full pay is required.   **Does not apply to teacher contracts that pay from September – June.
  21. If Parent/Guardian has not informed the providers that he or she will be arriving earlier or later than the agreed upon time on the contract, then there will be a $1.00 charge per child for every minute before or after the normal business hours in addition to the already owed rate.  This policy is strongly enforced.   If you tell daycare provider that you will be getting out early and you arrive later then said upon time then the above rates are in effect.
  22. Parent/Guardian agrees to contact the daycare providers IMMEDIATELY, (as soon as they know), that they are running late.  (15 minutes or more), whether it is to drop off their child(ren) off at daycare or picking their child(ren) up.  If this process can not be followed a written warning will go out, if this process continues to be a problem then there will be an additional $5.00 charge for each time the Parent/Guardian is late without contacting the providers.  If problem still continues then the child(ren) will be dismissed from daycare.  Daycare providers MUST know when you are running ahead of or behind schedule.
  23. The Parent/Guardian will provide a bathing suit for their child for the summer months and will be kept at the daycare facility.  If sunscreen is needed then it needs to be provided along with form AMB00018.  Daycare provider will not apply sunscreen due to allergies without permission.
  24. For school age children when ever school is closed a full day rate (not the before & after school rate) will apply for that day even if it falls on a daycare scheduled paid day off or the child is off or absent for that day.  The full day rate also includes half days.
  25. In case of fire or emergency, the children in daycare will practice and know of an assigned meeting point outside that is in a safe place were we will all meet.  There will be a monthly fire drill, the times and dates will be recorded and posted on the bulletin board.
  26. If daycare providers will be unable to care for your child(ren) for any reason (emergencies, doctors appts, etc.) a substitute care giver will be provided, who is VERY capable of handling children.   They have been finger printed and an Albany security back ground check has been done on each person to assure your child(ren)’s safety.  You will be notified in advance (when at all possible), if a provider will not be available in case you would prefer not to bring your child(ren) that day.  If you decide not to bring your child(ren) on that day then there will be no charge to you for that day.  (The substitute care giver will not be available on holidays and during other scheduled time off on the Holiday Vacation Schedule, you will need to find your own suitable daycare for those days).
  27. The doors to the daycare facility will ALWAYS be locked.  This is to help insure the safety and well being of your child(ren).  You will be provided a number to enter into the keypad on the door in order to access the daycare facility.  You may also provide us with a number that is easy for you to remember. 
  28. The daycare providers provide plenty of toys, games and books to help keep the children busy for the entire day.  Therefore, Parent/Guardian are asked not to bring the child(ren)’s toys from home to daycare.  We feel it causes jealousy with the other children and when their toys get lost or broken we feel the kids seem to get upset and then we would need to replace them.  Sometimes, when they have forgotten a toy at the daycare facility, the parent/guardian needs to make a special trip to the daycare facility after hours to pick it up.  We ask that a Child does not bring food into the facility unless there is enough supplied for all the children.  Children get very jealous when someone comes in with food and they can’t share with them.
  29. Parent/Guardian will be supplied with a statement each January with the total amount paid in childcare during the proceeding year.  This statement will include the daycare EIN number and the amount that was paid by you for that year.  You will need this statement to complete your tax forms.  Daycare providers are also willing to sign any necessary forms that you may need to have your daycare money automatically deducted from your paycheck before taxes to help pay your childcare, this can help you out a lot at tax time and also put you into a lower tax bracket.  This statement is now available on your Procare account, so it can be printed anytime you need it.
  30. All children in our care will be treated as individuals with their own special needs and talents.  We celebrate birthdays and holidays together.  Childhood is to be cherished and we consider ourselves as professional caregivers with the knowledge and experience necessary to help children learn and grow.  We are not “babysitters” we are “daycare providers.”  We care for children during the day and make sure their day is filled with fun and learning and most of all respect, love and attention that they need and deserve.  Daycare is ONLY provided during working hours not for extra errands.  When you get out of work we expect you to come and get your child(ren).  They benefit being with you.  They love it when mommies & daddies come early to get them.  They feel important.
  31. We are a NYS Licensed Group Family Daycare and Mandated Reporters of Suspected Child Abuse and Maltreatment.  We are allowed up to 12 full time children at one time and also an additional 4 children for before and after school (which is a total of 16).  We are allowed no more than 4 children under the age of 2.
  32. Being group family daycare providers through the NYSOCFS, we are obligated to uphold certain rules and regulations.  We are required to keep the daycare facility up to a certain level (appearance-wise and safety-wise).  We are First Aid and CPR Certified.  The pet’s immunizations have to be kept up-to-date.  The state has also required the facilities family and substitutes to be fingerprinted and a background check done on them to insure the safety of your child(ren).  We are also required to take courses (a certain amount of hours are required per licensed period). 
  33. In regards to regulation 417.8 (a-1), this daycare facility has my permission to allow my child (ren)___________________________________ to nap in the baby room, kitchen extension or office, in a crib with the use of a baby monitor or sleep in the daycare main area, office or kitchen extenstion on a mat or cot.  I understand that my child(ren)___________________________ will be checked on by Ann or Barry every 15 minutes during the duration of his/her nap.  In regards to the emergency evacuation bag policies, my child is allowed to wear his/her shoes while sleeping or if I prefer him/her NOT to sleep with his/her shoes on then I will supply slippers or spare shoes to keep in the emergency evacuation bag in case evacuation is necessary during naptime.
  34. As per regulation 417.8 (e) (2) any visitor entering the family daycare home must sign in upon entry to the premises, indicate in writing the date of the visit and the time of entry into the home, clearly state in writing the purpose of the visit and sign out upon departure from the home indicating in writing the time of departure.  Located in the foyer of the front entrance into the daycare facility will be a log book, please sign in and out when your child is dropped off and picked up.  Anyone that is going to be entering the family daycare home that is here for any reason including repairs, deliveries and substitutes, etc. will need to sign in the log book.  If a person is here to just drop off an item and will not be coming into the home and stays for no more then five minutes is not really considered a visitor and need not sign in.  This process will provide monitoring and control of visitors to protect the health, safety and welfare of your child(ren). 
  35. According to the new NYS regulations of a family daycare provider, school age children are allowed to play outside/inside without 100% supervision.  The regulation requires the daycare providers to check on all school age children at least every 15 minutes.  All children must stay in the providers yard at all times.  As your daycare providers we assure you that we will be constantly checking on all children on a regular basis never to be longer then 15 minutes.  We also request your help in assuring that the children never leave the yard, (not even to get a ball that went out of the yard).  We need your help in telling all children that they can not leave the yard under any circumstances.  We will also follow through with these rules.  We feel the children work very hard all day in school and could use the outside time to play and work off the energy bottled up inside.  By signing this form at the bottom you give your child(ren) ______________________, permission to play unsupervised while in the care of this facility, who in return checks on your child(ren) every 15 minutes that they are outside. If your child is not school age then please mark the space above as N/A.
  36. We do not transport children at anytime.  There is a Form OCFS-6013 that must be signed at time of enrollment, even though we do not transport.  Form OCFS-6013 will be included with your enrollment paperwork. 
  37. According to NYS regulations we are no longer allowed to use blankets or toys in any crib for a child under the age of 12 months old.  We are able to use sleeping bag sleepers and swaddle sleepers if you like in place of a blanket.
  38. Annie’s Playcare is happy that you have entrusted us as your Child’s Daycare Program.  Our program follows the NYS Regulations for Childcare.  We are always checking the NYS OCFS (office of children and family services) website for any new added regulations.   We strive to keep up on all these regulations for the safety and well being of your child.  We provide a safe, clean loving environment for your child(ren).  We believe that each child is their own individual and will grow and learn at their own individual pace.  We believe in teaching the children independence in getting themselves dressed on their own (of course we are here to help whenever needed).  We like them to use their own imaginations and let them try to figure things out on their own.  (Again, we are here for extra guidance when needed).  Children are under complete 100% supervision at all times, including nap times.  If infants are in the baby sleeping area, the door is left ajar and the baby monitor is on.  They are checked on every 15 minutes.  During outdoor play time the children are in a fenced in area with 100 % supervision.  Children are not left outside to play on their own there is always an adult with them.
  39. We have provided you with this parent handbook showing all of our policies.  Please look over and sign every page so that we know you have read them over and understand them.  Please feel free to ask any questions regarding any of these policies. Also in this policy hand book you will find our programs health policies for when your little one(s) are sick, our meal times and policies and policies regarding enrollment and disenrollment. 
  40. In the packet there is an emergency medical authorization form, please make sure that it is completely filled out.  It also explains what actions will be taken in the event your child needs emergency care.  In all emergency situations if transport to the hospital is necessary, please note that we would NOT be unable to ride with your child(ren) in the emergency vehicle because we would need to maintain our number status here at Playcare.  A substitute will be contacted right away and if they can arrive to Playcare before emergency vehicle leaves then one of us would be able to ride with them.  We need to keep our adult and child ratio’s in order to comply with our NYS OCFS regulations.
  41. You will see forms on our bulletin board, please feel free to read them, There are forms regarding our plan for behavior management, our evacuation plan (which is also included in your starter package), and our program activity schedule.
  42. Provider/Assistant is entitled to 5 paid bereavement days for the loss of a parent, spouse or child.  Provider/Assistant is entitled to 1 bereavement day for the loss of an Aunt, Uncle or cousin.
  43. By signing these policies Parent/Guardian & Daycare Providers agree to abide by the attached rules & regulations.  If at anytime a policy or rule needs to be added, changed or updated we can do so, per all parties concerned.  Notice will be provided in advance of any changes.
  44. Regarding snow days:  Annie's Playcare will be closed whenever Greece Central School District closed due to Snow Days.  We feel its in the best interest of your child(ren) and our staff to be off the roads on those days.  These days will still be considered as paid days due to weather related issues.  Please watch the news on those nasty days and watch Annie's Playcare Facebook Page for updates.  We will post it on those days.

The State Office of Children and Family Services maintains a toll-free complaint line for complaints about day care programs. Call this number during normal working hours and a staff person will take the information.

The Office is empowered to investigate any possible violation of child care regulations. If you think a person or program is operating without the proper license or registration certificate, this is also a basis for making a complaint. Your complaint will be investigated, and if it is substantiated, staff will work with the provider to correct any violations.

If you wish to make a complaint, call:

(800) 732-5207

If you ever need to contact the Office of Children and Family Services they can be reached at:  NYS Office of Children and Family Services, Rochester Regional Office, 259 Monroe Avenue, 3rd Fl, Monroe Square, Rochester, NY 14607.  585-238-8531. 

Website is:



If the dates are highlighted they are paid days off.

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